Teacher Profile: Mr. Andreas

Mr. Andreas is one of Rosemont’s 7th-grade science teachers, but do you know anything else about him? Mr. Andreas is an adventurous teacher who loves hiking and trying unique delicious foods. He’s also a motivated teacher who wants his students to comprehend their world, as he states,” I want to give them that ‘aha’ moment when they suddenly have a bit of a bigger understanding of the world around them.”

Mr. Andreas and his family immigrated to the US when he was just in 7th grade, he lived in Glendale as a kid while attending Wilson Middle School and Clark Magnet High School here in La Crescenta. As a student, his favorite subjects were Art and PE, just like many students now. After high school graduation he enrolled at California State University Los Angeles, he took an interest in human brain development and behavior and hoped to learn more by majoring in Psychology. Yet, he always had a yearning to become an educator. Growing up his role models and mentors were his teachers and wanted to repay the gift of knowledge to new generations of students, knowing he would gain just as much as them while experiencing new manners of teaching. He’s been teaching at Rosemont for two years and calls teaching here a “Dream come true,” and,” I would have never imagined I would come back and teach in the district that I grew up attending.”

Mr. Andreas has been teaching for a total of 7 years, teaching both science and botany. His love for teaching has never ceased, and he’s always gotten joy out of the never-ending moments that occur when teaching students about the expansive and innovative world around them. Even though science is his main forte he’s also always loved PE and Art, and if he could ever teach another subject he would consider them both to be a main alternative. With teaching comes challenges for any educator, the main challenge Mr. Andreas faces is having to continuously handle over 200 students who all have ranges in qualities, capabilities, and skills. However he would suggest that the best way to handle a challenge of this sort is to keep in mind,” Learning doesn’t have an on and off switch, and being consistent with your effort will eventually reach a diverse group of students.”

Mr. Andreas’ main key belief that he wants to share with his students is, ” I want them to know that education doesn’t start or end with the bell. It’s important to be a lifelong learner through new experiences, hobbies, interests, and challenges at any age.”

Huge thanks to Mr. Andreas for agreeing to this interview and sending such heartfelt responses.