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The Student News Site of Rosemont Middle School

The Spartan Scroll

The Spartan Scroll

What is builders club?

Natalie Bedrosian

At Builders Club, their mission is to foster teamwork, develop leadership skills, and promote community service among students. Throughout the year, their students have been actively involved in a range of community service activities with the goal of making a positive difference in the lives of others. These projects have showcased the remarkable dedication and compassion of the students. Some of the notable initiatives they have undertaken include helping animals at the Pasadena Humane Society, and collecting funds. The Builders Club is one of Rosemont’s best clubs to be in academically. You learn how to support your community by doing fun activities and events for service hours. Builders Club is a good club because service hours will impress colleges, especially if you have a lot of service hours, which you can achieve as a member of Builders Club. If you aren’t thinking about college, but still love to help the community, join for the experience and fun. Builders Club is also a great way to make new friends.

Here are some events that Builders Club members participate in:
Duck Splash
Help With Rock Store Cart
Monte Vista carnival
Teachers’ Valentines Day Card
CCLCF – Food drive
Adult Special Needs Gift Donations
Duck Adoption

Here is a description of Builder’s Club from Mrs. Cole, “Builders Club is a dynamic and impactful service organization that provides a platform for young individuals to learn, grow, and make a positive difference in canned foods for food banks, creating care packages for the elderly, baking sweet treats for local police and firefighters, donating clothes to children in need, preparing treats for staff members, and organizing holiday gifts for adults with special needs. These projects have benefited the recipients and provided valuable learning experiences for our students, fostering empathy, teamwork, and a sense of social responsibility.”

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About the Contributors
Natalie Bedrosian
This is Natalie Bedrosian. She is a seventh-grade student and is twelve years old. Her hobbies are playing soccer, making bracelets, and riding her bike.  She has a brother who is in high school a mom, a dad, and a dog named Buddy. She enjoys hanging out with her friends in Honolulu to eat ice cream. She is excited to write new articles this year!
Loren Sullivan
Loren Sullivan, Photo Editor
Loren Sullivan was born in Hollywood CA, and grew up in La Crescenta. She has one little sister and two pugs. Her dogs are named Chloe and Indie. She attends Rosemont Middle School which is the same middle school that her great grandfather taught at in the 60’s and 70’s. She likes to draw in her free time and travel. Sometimes she goes to the park and hangs out with her friends. She's looking forward to the brand new school year!
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