On October 25 this year, Sony released the last installment in their popular Venom franchise. The story follows Eddie Brock and his symbiote venom as they work together to stop an ancient evil. The story begins after the events of the last one in Mexico where Brock and Venom are in hiding. Before a portal opens a xenophage comes to earth and begins stalking Brock and Venom, to get the codecs. Meanwhile, Brock is wanted by the government for the murder of Patrick Mulling, brock and Venom decide to head to New York to free their name.
To begin with, the story is quite thrilling with many action scenes filled with superb special effects and acting that makes stunning visuals and epic moments, but towards the end of the movie, it starts to get dull. With the final, the battle is underwhelming. But the last few minutes make up. Giving a shocking ending to one of Sony’s most popular movie franchises. This makes Venom the Last Dance one of the best superhero movies of this year if not the best.