The Spartan Scroll

The Student News Site of Rosemont Middle School

The Spartan Scroll

The Spartan Scroll

Teacher Appreciation Week

Vana Momjian, Violet Hwang

If you’ve ever been in school you should know just how much teachers do for you. They struggle with grading homework, creating tests and managing classwork. They work for hours trying to figure out what your next assignment will be. Not to mention, they have their own families to care for. Teachers deserve appreciation from their students, which is now celebrated as a national holiday, ‘Teacher Appreciation Week’.
Teacher Appreciation Week is a national holiday celebrated in the United States of America in order to show support, respect, and honor to teachers. It’s on May 6th through May 10th.
To show appreciation to your teachers, you could do all sorts of things that express your honor to your teachers. You could bring them flowers, gift cards with a little message, home-made cards, bring them lunch – any way to show your an act of kindness. Not only that, some stores show gratitude to teachers by giving out freebies or discounts. According to, Staple, a stationary store, is giving out free supply kits and a 20% discount for in-store purchases. Like this, there are numerous ways to show appreciation for this week.
This week is your opportunity to show your kindness and respect for your teachers around you. We should acknowledge the hard work and dedication and how they shape the future by educating the next generation. It’s important to show appreciation to teachers, not just this week, but throughout the year. We should support and appreciate the crucial role that teachers play in this society.

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About the Contributor
Violet Hwang
Violet Hwang, News Editor
Violet Hwang is an eighth grader, and is thirteen years old. She came from Korea, and was in the English newspaper club. She is interested in learning new languages, and economics. Not only that, she enjoys writing scripts and likes cooperating. She hopes to learn more about journalism, and participate actively in activities in Rosemont Middle School. She loves cats, listening, singing, and dancing to K-POP, and watching anime!
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