The Spartan Scroll

The Student News Site of Rosemont Middle School

The Spartan Scroll

The Spartan Scroll

Rosemont Boys’ Soccer Team Outdo Roosevelt

Rhyle Sullivan

On Thursday, April 25, Rosemont’s Boys soccer team faced off against Roosevelt on the Upper Field.
Kickoff was at 3:35. Right off the bat, Rosemont immediately pressed Roosevelt, not allowing them to maintain possession. Roosevelt barely touched the ball for the first ten minutes of the game. During this time, Rosemont took three shots on target, scoring one. Ethan Martinez called for a switch on the right side, where he was wide open. His shot to the bottom left corner went in.
Around the 12th minute, the tide began to turn, as Rosemont’s defense made a few mistakes. Luckily, Roosevelt was unable to capitalize on any of the chances, and the score stayed 1-0. The game evened out minutes later, and the remaining time in the first half saw no goals.
The beginning of the second half was very similar to the start of the first half. Rosemont came out strong and made plenty of opportunities, including a skillful overlapping run and dribble from Jayden Chae, whose shot was saved by the goalkeeper. Rosemont almost scored again on the following corner, but the header
was over the top of the goal.
Six minutes later, in the 39th minute, Kyle Neumeier sent a through ball to Rio Choi, who received the pass and beat his defender. The following shot was perfectly in the bottom corner, giving Rosemont another goal. However, the assistant referee determined Rio was offside when he was passed to, so the goal was disallowed.
Rosemont finally scored their second goal in the 42nd minute. Grant Elster tapped a pass to Owen Wasson on the left side. He beat the multiple defenders on him, then he smashed the ball past the goalkeeper and off the of the crossbar. The head referee ruled that the ball had crossed the line, giving Rosemont a larger advantage over the away team.
This goal sealed the win for the Spartans. The remaining ten minutes in the game were similar to the first ten, with Rosemont completely dominating the ball and taking many shots. Despite many great chances and many strings of passes, no more goals were scored, leaving the game with Rosemont in the lead.
The game ended 2-0, and Rosemont had their fifth win of the season, boosting their record to an astounding 5-0.

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About the Contributor
Rhyle Sullivan, Copy Editor
Rhyle Sullivan grew up in La Crescenta, California. He attended Valley View Elementary School advancing to Rosemont Middle School and becoming a staff member of The Spartan Scroll, the school’s newspaper. Rhyle is a fan of A.S. Roma in soccer and the Los Angeles Dodgers in baseball. He plays baseball as a Honey Badger, an organization he has been in since eight years old. When free from schoolwork and extracurriculars, Rhyle will play FIFA, watch YouTube, or listen to The Beatles. Writing is significant in his life, and he loves writing historical fiction stories. Non-fiction texts and informative texts are also a part of his passion.
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