The Spartan Scroll

The Student News Site of Rosemont Middle School

The Spartan Scroll

The Spartan Scroll

Rosemont and Wilson Clash in Boys Soccer

Ethan Martinez about to receive a pass from Owen Wasson

On Thursday, April 19th, Rosemont’s boys soccer team faced the Wilson Knights on Rosemont’s upper field. Students and parents filled the crowd to watch the thrilling game unfold. It was Rosemont’s white and blue against the blue and yellow of Wilson.
The game immediately started with a bang. Right after kickoff, a bad string of passes from Rosemont allowed Wilson to pounce on the opportunity, and a well-placed low cross managed to slip its way into the box, giving the away side an easy tap-in.
Despite this early obstacle, Rosmeont was able to bounce back. A firm pass right off kickoff found itself at the feet of a Wilson center-back, who tried to pass it back to the goalkeeper. However, the goalie came off his line, and his positioning combined with the terrible pass from the center-back caused the ball to roll straight into the back of the net.
With the score 2-1, it looked like Rosemont would cruise into a comfortable position by halftime, but the ball once again found itself in Rosemont‘s box, and after a little bit of pinball and chaos, one of their clearances went to a Wilson forward, who easily controlled the ball and calmly shot it in the bottom corner. It was all tied up at 2-2 by halftime.
During most of the second half, both teams fought for the fifth goal of the match, but no shots in particular were able to create a goal.
Wilson mostly created chances from short passes into crosses for the forwards in the box. On the other hand, the Spartans sent long balls to their wingers, who in turn passed it back or sent it into the box.
RMS goalkeeper Max Bedrosian made plenty of good saves at this time. Wilson also received a yellow card. Both teams began taking more long shots and focusing more on their respective build-up plays, rather than taking a very aggressive approach.
As the second half of the second half started, Rio Choi was able to score on the half-volley from a lobbed pass. His defender gave him just a little space, which was enough for the seventh-grader to send in a perfect bottom-corner shot.
This would prove to be the game-winner, as even though Wilson pushed for an equalizer, they were ultimately unsuccessful. RMS’ defenders were very effective at clearing out crosses and preventing threatening shots from the Knights. Rosemont won the game with a final score of 3-2.

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About the Contributor
Rhyle Sullivan, Copy Editor
Rhyle Sullivan grew up in La Crescenta, California. He attended Valley View Elementary School advancing to Rosemont Middle School and becoming a staff member of The Spartan Scroll, the school’s newspaper. Rhyle is a fan of A.S. Roma in soccer and the Los Angeles Dodgers in baseball. He plays baseball as a Honey Badger, an organization he has been in since eight years old. When free from schoolwork and extracurriculars, Rhyle will play FIFA, watch YouTube, or listen to The Beatles. Writing is significant in his life, and he loves writing historical fiction stories. Non-fiction texts and informative texts are also a part of his passion.
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