The Spartan Scroll

The Student News Site of Rosemont Middle School

The Spartan Scroll

The Spartan Scroll

last spirit assembly

Finnley Gardner
Ms. Curtis and the 8th grade celebrating their win

As the year ends, the last spirit assembly has just wrapped up. Here are the results. As the students poured into the amphitheater, 7th grade was the obvious winner in sitting down first, awarding them 3 points. But as the games progressed there was a clear winner- 8th grade. This year’s final spirit assembly began with its first game, human pinball, where each grade had a giant beach ball and had to hit the ASB members in the crowd holding cones and bottles. The 8th grade won this game. Next came the class cheer which 8th grade won again, giving the 8th grade an enormous lead. Finally came the last game of the year, musical chairs with food on the chairs. As the games ended, there was one clear winner- 8th grade. 8th grade walked away winning the whole Spirit Assembly and therefore won the grand prize- 5th and 7th periods are off on Friday to sign yearbooks early.

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About the Contributor
Finnley Gardner
Finnley Gardner, Senior Photo Editor
Finnley (Finn) Gardner, is an eighth grader. He was born in Edmonton and moved to the US when he was six months old. He enjoys history and sports, mostly lacrosse. He also enjoys journalism with Ms. Monaco. The Spartan Scroll is a nice safe place for all and he encourages all seventh graders to join the newspaper next year. Enjoy the website. 
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