Woman’s History month: Margaret Adams

Margaret Queen Adams was the first ever woman deputy sheriff for the Los Angles County Sheriffs’ department and the United States of America. She got this role in 1912 but it took many years of hard work, dedication, and persistence. Adams was sister-in-law to William Hammel, who served in Los Angeles County as a sheriff for over 15 years. She decided to take an interest in becoming a deputy after she separated from her husband, and needed to support her two children. Her brother and law offered her a job in his department, but she only accepted the offer once she was properly trained and deputized. After long training and work, she took an oath, was officially sworn into office, and gained her badge on February 16, 1912.

She worked as a Sheriff for nearly 35 years, towards the end of her career she took an important role as coordinator of every piece of evidence that the Los Angeles Courthouse handles. A crucial position that takes time, courage, and effort. After long years of service, she officially retired in 1947, she then passed away that same year a short six months away from her 100th birthday. She was buried in Inglewood Park Cemetery, with her badge on her chest.
