ROCKS Tickets with Mr. Laing

Here’s how you can get R.O.C.K.S tickets from Mr. Laing. Like a lot of teachers, Mr Laing hands out R.O.C.K.S. tickets if you help out with things that need to be done but this time, instead of helping out in their classroom like the teachers he will hand out the tickets during lunch and snack. An example would be picking up trash or helping others. Another way you could get a R.O.C.K.S ticket is by, ¨Doing something we told you to do without complaining,¨ Mr Laing told us. Like a lot of other teachers, he also said that he sometimes forgets to bring R.O.C.K.S tickets to snack and that he doesn’t give out as many as he wants too. However he did also tell us that if he forgets to bring his R.O.C.K.S tickets then you can come into his office later and get your tickets. That is how you can get R.O.C.K.S tickets from Mr. Laing.


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