RMS Cheer Progression

Sofia Diamond

CFE #1 RMS Cheer squad

The RMS cheer squad has been working year-round to make major progress on their skills and performances. Through all the CFE’s you can see how their confidence in their stunts has grown! Ms. Cole, the RMS cheer squad coach, has been teaching her cheerleaders to stand out to the crowd and to perform to their best abilities.

Ms. Cole says that the way to keep a positive attitude in a group while staying successful is to support and respect your fellow teammates, she doesn’t tolerate any type of hate or backtalk between her girls. Cheer has been an elective choice for only 2 years, but has been at Rosemont for over 15 years! Ms. Cole worked very hard to get cheer as a respected elective for her cheerleaders! One of Ms. Cole’s goals with this cheer program is to prepare her students for high school cheerleading. She does this by having open contact with CVHS’s coaches and captains and having them come in to teach the cheerleaders new stunts, tricks, and general information!

To start, the coordination between the girls has dramatically improved. It was good in the beginning but now there is not a single hesitation in their movements. They are perfectly in sync with each other in their dancing, stunts, jumps, and group work! Not to mention the stunts have reached a new level of difficulty by doing flips in the air! The stunts have become higher and faster while keeping the same level of precision! This is especially impressive due to the fact that they learn new stunts every few months! The cheer squad really knows how to put on a show, every performance for a CFE is met with beautiful choreography and upbeat music to keep the audience entertained!

Amazing kudos to all coaches, choreographers, and cheerleaders on the 2022-2023 cheer team! You’ve had an amazing year of improvement while giving the school amazing performances.

Links to this year’s cheer performances (some are within a CFE video):

https://youtu.be/2dqE6QsHk6E (CFE #2 + Cheer Performance)
https://youtu.be/xw2OtXr1m9k (CFE #3 + Cheer Performance)
https://youtu.be/Lw3VmD-H-l4 (CFE #4 + Cheer Performance)
https://youtu.be/SCX85u4N8p4 (CFE #5 Cheer Performance)
https://youtu.be/xx1isXmWG3E (CFE #6 Cheer Performance)