This week is Ally Week at Rosemont. Ally Week starts on November 6th and is sponsored by the Rainbow Gems. For Ally Week, the Rainbow Gems will be in the amphitheater selling things to promote being an ally and urging students to sign a pledge stating that they will be an ally. This event is important in Rosemont because being an ally means you support members of the LGBTQ+ community here at school and makes this school a safe space for all students who identify as part of it.
What does it mean to be an ally? To be an ally means that you are somebody who is welcoming and accepting of everyone, no matter who they identify as. If you’re an ally, people know that you are someone they can talk to about their identity, and lets them know they can be themself around you. Sometimes, not everybody is accepting of somebody’s identity, so being an ally shows them that you care about them, and are accepting of them for exactly who they are, and that can change somebody’s life.
To celebrate Ally Week, the Rainbow Gems Club, sponsored by Ms. Avery and Ms. Bakas, is down in the amphitheater all week selling stickers, buttons, and even shirts. To buy something, you have to sign a pledge stating that you are an ally. In doing this, the Rainbow Gems are helping Rosemont become a safer space for LGBTQ+-identifying students. Be an ally, help support your friends, and make sure to enjoy Ally Week this week.