Wellness Tip 7


Finnley Gardner

Wellness tip number 7 image

Wellness Tip 7

Washing hands is a necessity for daily life. Whether you are at the park, eating dinner, or at school, you don’t want to seem gross and dirty, you want to be clean. Cleanliness is not just a social statement, it can also affect your health. If you don’t wash your hands, germs can get into your eyes, mouth, and nose, and they can even get you sick, and if you prepare or eat food without clean hands, germs can spread and grow. To make sure this doesn’t happen, doctors recommend that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and they even recommend singing a song like an alphabet to keep time. Make sure to wash your whole hand, and not just the palm. And use soap! Just wetting it with water, though it may get rid of some of the germs, is not enough, and washing it with soap will make sure to get rid of all of the bacteria. Another tip to keep in mind when washing your hands is to avoid antibacterial products since they not only get rid of the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria too! Finally, you should remember that hand sanitizer is not enough! Though it may get rid of some bacteria, it doesn’t work as well as soap and water. All of these things considered, it is super important to wash your hands!