Teacher Profile: Mr. Anker

Who is Mr. Anker? Well, Mr. Anker is a teacher at Rosemont Middle School. He teaches eighth grade history and ASB. He has been teaching for 29 years. 28 of those years were spent teaching at Rosemont Middle School. For all of the 28 years, he has been teaching eighth grade history. He has been teaching ASB (Associated Student Body) for 15 years. For the one other year, he taught in the bay area.

Mr. Anker went to Occidental College, which is a school in Los Angeles. Although he did not grow up in LA, when he was in high school it was “the place to be”. This was because popular T.V. shows had just been filmed there. The Olympics was also held in Los Angeles around that time. Mr. Anker knew he wanted to become a teacher in his senior year of high school. He knew this because when he was in school there were some excellent teachers and some bad teachers. He really appreciated the good teachers. So, he wanted there to be fewer bad teachers and more good teachers. Mr. Anker’s favorite part of teaching is that it is different every day and there is never a dull moment. Mr.Anker is a great teacher at Rosemont! People have so much fun in his class, whether ASB or history.